The weather was somewhere below zero this morning, but I toughed it out and went to Church.
No big deal, right?
Well, not counting the remark made about one of the candidates being an "idiot", the sermon was really, REALLY, confusing!
He starts out with a story of him going to the principals office because he got in trouble for something or other and he was in there alone and realized there was a door to the attic. So, he put a chair on the desk and climbed up and found a coin. 18th century coin.
Then he moves on to Ezekiel, when he sees these angels with 6 wings, 4 faces, and wheels with eyes...
Then he moves on to Adam and Eve and how God had to make skins for them to wear, when they sinned (but told us that it must have been the first sacrifice... why would God sacrifice an animal, to Himself, for clothing??? I don't think so! Why would he just say that? It doesn't say that in the Bible! Anyone know anything about this?)
Then he goes back to the wheels with eyes.
Then, all of a sudden, he said, "Let's turn to the closing hymn."
What? He didn't tie ANYTHING together! He didn't relate the eye wheels with the skins made by God... and WHAT ABOUT THE COIN????
I don't know, but that was the worst sermon I've ever heard!
On the positive side, at least I listened to the whole thing, right???
Do any of you have any advice on this one? I almost want to write to the Church and complain or call the pastor and ask him if he had a point to share with us that he forgot to mention.
If it weren't for the songs, prayer, and scripture reading...
Either way, I should probably go to another Church, unless there's a guest speaker!
You all know I'm just venting right now, but as someone with a communications degree, how did this pastor get through any speech class?
A lot has happened in life since I last typed on this blog in November. We
had the holidays. We had one day of snow. There have been school projects
and fr...
11 years ago
Too bad about your sermon. What church was that at. I hope not PMC. Usually you can't beat Dwights sermons. Keep searching and you will find where the Lord wants you. Your musical talents would be a great asset to any church. Miss you. Julie
Thanks! No, not PMC, but the one Nat got married in...
Miss you, too! Have fun at the car show thing!
The skins were from the first sacrifice that God had Adam and Eve offer. The purpose of the sacrifice was to teach them what their sin would do to Jesus. It was an object lesson. It wasn't that God wanted them to kill animals, but to learn the price of sin. For more information look in Patriachs and Prophets, chapter 4.
The skin of the lamb represent the righteousness of Jesus that covered their nakedness and it's Jesus' righteousness that covers our nakedness referred to in Revelation, chapter 3 in the message to the Laodicea Church.
He must of been a new graduate or a lay pastor or something. Don't stop going because of one bad sermon. That would make it seem like you were/are looking for a reason to not go. Just a thought.
Only Francie would consider calling to register a complaint about the SERMON?! You are too funny. I can hear it now: I got up early, fixed my hair, got dressed, braved the freezing cold...for THIS?? It doesn't even make SENSE!
I'm least you went. Maybe you should give him another chance.
thats not that weird that they had to kill an animal for clothes, makes a lot of sense actually, crazy girl.
Great tips, guys. No, this was the regular pastor, not a guest, which is too bad.
Thankfully, I don't usually go to this church, so it'll be okay, although my friend, Betsy, said she may give the guy a second chance. I'll have to think about it.
Oh, and about the skins... Thanks for your help on that, mom and Natalie. I wish the guy would have referred to P and P instead of acting like he was guessing about it. To me, it made sense to make something for their naked bodies, but said nothing in the Bible to show that he killed an animal for it (instead of just literally making skins, since he just finished making everything else!)
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