April 6, 2007

A parade in the grocery store

So, Kristen wanted to go the grocery store to buy eggs to dye tonight, and of course, Jack and Ben wanted to go too... so, before leaving the house, I had them all raise their right hand (Ben needed a little help finding the right one) I had them each repeat after me, "I will be good and obey auntie Francie," then we were ready to go.
They all piled into the back of my car and off we went, listening to the radio while each kid sang their own version of some random song in their head...
Holding hands, we entered the grocery store, only to find the largest blue extended cab grocery cart the store had, which, of course, was a magnet for the kids...

Jack and Ben got the top two seats, while Kristen climbed into the grocery area and we were off! Clearing a path down the isles, waiving to customers, chatting up a storm, and trying to find the eggs, this short quick trip to the store for eggs, became a local parade!
"Can I have a donut?" Jack asked. "No, never mind, I already had one today."
So, we found the eggs, although the store wasn't as stocked with eggs as I assumed they would be, since Easter is just two days away!
We finally made it to the side customer service counter (very convenient for one with a bunch of kids who may like to grab a few candy bars in the usual isles) and made it to the car without much more of a scene (luckily!)
Should I have just gone to the store without them, and saved 20 minutes? Or take them with me, allowing them to help hold something and experience the whole "grocery shopping" part of life, as it is super fun, you know!
Either way, they had a lot of fun in a mega-blue-cart, and we were able to have fun together, too!


Rachael said...

The smart thing to do would have been to pick up the eggs by yourself on the way over. But that wouldn't make as good of a story. :)

Shannon said...

Did I miss the whole story?
By-the-way... Soft Scrub is miraculous for hands (and legs)after coloring 4 dozen eggs. And, Spot Shot is still the winner when it comes to taking out everything. I swear, Mom should be their spokes person. I dumped the "blue" all over Madeline and the chair she was sitting in and it was Spot Shot to the rescue! It came right out. PHEW!