April 6, 2007

The Incredible EGG!

Lined up and ready to go, Kristen, Jack, and Ben were anxious to start the dying process...

Did I honestly think about it, when I bought the egg dying kits earlier this week to use with the kids? I don't think so... right now, my fingers are dyed green-ish, blue-ish, dirty-ish with a touch of red, not to mention my new dyed look as nail polish!

So, you've figured it out, I helped the kids dye Easter eggs this afternoon, three different batches, cups everywhere, eggs everywhere, and tons of paper towels, this year wasn't as organized as I wanted. Yes, I actually gathered all the kids together to attempt an "egg-dying lesson" including ideas of mixing colors, using crayons to accent and design the eggs, and making sure that they all knew beforehand to not drop the eggs in the cups or take them out and that I would be there to help with that part... what was I thinking?

Did I really think I'd be successful? An egg/vinegar/color combo without a mess? without a fight? No.

But I sure hope the kids had fun! Little egg-professionals that they are, Jack trying to find the perfect combo for a really, really bright sunny yellow egg; Kristen testing all the blue colors for the best mix to make a power-eye-catching blue egg, adn Ben aiming to get the most eggs in the cup as possible...

Would there actually be an egg you could call the best? No.

But to the kids? Oh, yah!

The kids had a really good time, in fact, when I told them that they'd have to help clean the kitchen, they acted like it was a given! Wow, who's been training these kids? Last time I made dinner with them all before Rachael and Derrick went to Russia and told them that they had to clean the kitchen too, because that was a part of making dinner, they weren't too happy about it, let me tell you!

I wanted to take a picture of Jack, so I told him to smile... so he did...

Then I told him that he should smile with his teeth showing and he asked me why I always like it when his teeth are showing when he smiles, so I told him that it seemed like a real smile, so I got him to smile, again.

So, once I get pictures from Sunday of these cute kids finding all these little colored treasures, I'll share them with you, too! I'm sure I'll also have a couple of stories to go along too!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wanted to dye eggs with the kids when I was out there. I ran out of time. Cute pictures.



Shannon said...

How bout those Sunday pictures you were gona post?
The eggs turned out really cute. Looks like you had a good time.