September 26, 2008

Moments with Ben II

This morning, Auntie Lori came over to take Kristen to school early and even though the kids had scrambled eggs, links, patties, and a slice of cherry coffee cake, she brought a box of donuts to add to their breakfast menu (which they loved and ate just about everything on their plate!).
When the kids were done, I sent them up to brush their teeth and get dressed, but told Ben that I needed to wash him off first so he didn't get his clothes dirty when he put them on. I sat him on the cabinet and proceeded to wash his hands and arms where there was sticky random breakfast stuff. When I was almost done with his hands, he looked at me and said, "don't forget to wash my face, Fray!" Yeah, Ben... as if I didn't notice all the chocolate donut leftovers on your face!

Yet another funny Ben comment!


junglemama said...

How adorable!

Natalie said...

lol... oh, thats funny too.

Elle J said...

I'm enjoying these "Moments with Ben". He's a cool kid. :)