May 20, 2007

Pictures = Memories

I've got one of the cutest pictures of Jason and his dad, Ron (aka: Captain Ron: he sails in Florida sometimes...) They are sitting on a dock, fishing together, and there's just something about that picture that makes me happy!
But when I think back, its pictures that help me remember special moments, or any moments for that matter, back in time.
Like the picture of me and my friend, Jessica Davis, in high school, singing "Man, I feel like a blue whale" into 'whale' microphones! (part of our advanced biology project as seniors!)
Or Natalie and I at Grandma and Grandpa B's house in N. Dakota. Which reminds me of when I (or one of us kids) lost a flip flop in one of the huge haystacks and a clear memory of when Natalie shot me in the butt with a BB gun, because I didn't want to play with her!
Today, I assisted Rachael with Katya and Kristen while they got their professional pictures and they turned out super cute! Something didn't quite sink in until Rachael mentioned that this is probably the first time Katya has gotten professional pictures!
Who thought of pictures? I'm not sure, but I do know that there can't be too many!
Seeing those two sisters, cheek to cheek, and arms around each other, smiling just big enough to see every single tooth in their mouth, makes me smile! I'm so happy for them both! From experience, I know that my sisters are my friends, my support, my advice givers, my critics, my everything!
I love you all (even to those who think this post has become a bit cheesier than expected...) (but I did warn everyone that this blog would be pretty random, didn't I?)
Thanks mom for having us!
And thanks, Rachael, Shannon, Lori, and Natalie! (Can't wait for your comments on this one!)


Rachael said...

AAAHHHH. You're right, that got a little cheesy, but sweet.

Thanks for your help with the girls for the pictures. I'm so excited about how cute they turned out, and can't wait to get the prints back. The proofs were awesome! The photographer is going to use at least 2 of them in her gallery, cool, huh.

Shannon said...

Who can forget the BB gun experience. Didnt Natalie claim to have "accidently" pulled the trigger while you just happened to be in the way? Ya right!
Sisters really are something special!

Shannon said...

I just went back and reread you post again and I cant help but laugh outloud! not too many things catch me off guard and make me laugh spontaniously like that. Just thought you would like to hear that:)