May 30, 2007

Annoying sisters...

Apparently, my sisters want me to post more in my blog...
I've been busy though.
I've had to make two cakes this last weekend. The strawberries and cream cake I made for Jason was a hit for Lori's birthday and I made the same cake but with fresh raspberries and blackberries for a barbecue get together with friends and everyone kept talking about it, even after the container was licked clean.
I also was in a karaoke contest with my friend Missy. Of course, we made it... who wouldn't win against an off tune/off beat/glued to the screen singer singing "Toxic" from Brittany Spears?? I mean, I started "Born to Fly" on the wrong note for the first line, made up a phrase in the middle of the song, because I couldn't remember (and didn't want to be glued to the screen), and still made it!!
But let me tell you... I give "props" to anyone who gets up and sings. I still get nervous as heck and I've been doing it for almost 4 years now! But I have fun and make eye contact and sing whatever I want...
For my practice song, I sang "Alone" by Heart and I heard a few girls at the closest table asking each other, "Is SHE in the contest??" Actually, now that I think about it, they might have even been the judges!!
Okay, so, I just tooted my own horn, there for a while. Dolly Parton would be proud of me!
Hopefully this will satisfy my readers for a couple of seconds...

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