May 17, 2007


Yesterday was my first experience in laser hair removal... My armpits. I wasn't sure if I had to shave before or not, but thank goodness I got a hold of Rachael so she could tell me that I did need to...
It only took about 3 minutes, but it kinda hurt! I guess that if I hadn't shaved, then it would've burned my hair, whereas, with a clean shaven armpit, it burned down to the root. It felt like something was reaching inside and grabbing each individual hair out... I'm a baby, I guess.
What I didn't know what that it's permanent! My colleague asked me how long it lasted and I told her that I didn't know, but probably for about 3 or 4 months or so...
Wow, this is cool! Just a few more treatments and I'll never have to shave my armpits again! Why wouldn't I do this everywhere???

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Would you actually go through that pain if it weren't permanent? I can't believe you didn't know that.