March 1, 2008

My little baby, Rocco

While I don't really have ways to add pictures to my blog, I figured that while I was at Rachael's house, I might as well add this one of Rocco. He's such a cutie!
He still scratches me, but at the same time will crawl up to my face and lay his head on my shoulder and start purring...
He's so cute!


Tina in CT said...

Your cat is so cute. Is he part Siamese? How old is he?

Francie said...

No, I don't think he's Siamese. But he's really soft!
He's a little over 6 months old.

Rachael said...

He is turning out to be a very good looking cat. He looks a little "wild" to match his personality, I guess!

Your header looks great, BTW! :)

Lori said...

He is pretty cute, and I think he does look a little bit Siamese, that would explain his personality.

Love the new look, does it come with new inspiration to blog?