Jason and I have been dating for 9 months now! Wow! This is awesome!
It may not be a year, two years, 10 years, but I'm so happy! It seems that when I think of dating and relationships, my first question is "are you happy?" And for me, I am!!
I love you so much Jason and I want to make sure you know that you make me happy!
May 31, 2007
Happy 9th monthiversary, Jason!
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Comcast sucks!
Can I vent here a bit? I hope you don't mind, and if you do, then don't read this...
I work at an apartment community. Two actually with almost 400 apartments.
Comcast is the only cable provider for our residents, unless they get dish (which they can only get if they have a patio or porch, which totals about 42 apartments).
The week of May 13th, the Comcast guy comes in, says he needs the vendor keys to get into the laundry room to hook up some one's cable. Then he tells me that they don't want to come the whole 1/2 to 3/4 mile to our one office for the keys and expect us to drop everything to meet them at the other community and stay there while they complete their duties and then come back to the office... out of the question!
He said, well, can we have a copy of the keys? I told him absolutely not! He then signed the keys out and left around 3:30 p.m. then brought back the keys at 5:40 p.m. for a 30 minute job! So, I called customer service and spoke with them for about an hour about this guy! I was pissed! How do we know he didn't go make some keys? What was he spending all the time on? The lady told me that she needed his badge number and name. Well, I have his first name, but he told me he didn't have his ID (he's been in here a few times before).
She told me that they should have their Comcast ID on them at all times!
The next day, the same guy came in... I asked for his badge, and he didn't have it with him. "Well, I'm not giving keys to you then." I said. "I don't even have it in my truck, it's at home" he told me. I said, "Sorry". "So, you're saying that you won't let me hook some one's cable up for them and they're going to have go all weekend without cable because you won't give me the keys?" "yes". "Well, I guess I'll just have to put 'no entry' on this call, then". "Okay. have a nice day!"
I called and complained again.
The week of May 20th, yet another two Comcast guys don't have their Id's. Sorry. No keys for you! One of them lost his two years ago and the other broke his and is waiting for a replacement (so where's the broken one? Huh?).
So, as the "broken badge" guy left, I called Comcast to complain. While I was on the phone with them, the guy comes back with the resident and says that he's been working with the resident for THREE YEARS and so I turn to the resident and ask, "What's this guys name?" The resident didn't know. So, I ask the Comcast guy his name (while I'm still on the phone with customer service) and he said, "If you're not going to let me into the laundry room to hook up the service, then it's none of your damn business!" And yes, the customer service lady heard the whole thing, and it was being recorded (ha-ha)! So, the lady asked to talk to the guy... they went at it for a while and then he left and they sent another person with ID to finish the job...
May 25, 2007: Today, a Comcast guy was waiting at the door at 9 a.m. to get keys, all good. At around 2 p.m. the exterminator needed keys and we then realized that we didn't have them back yet! I had my co-worker call Comcast immediately! They couldn't help us out and she was on the phone for about 30 minutes, then I got on the phone. I told the person that we needed the keys immediately and she said that she'll have to find something out and then get back with me. I asked her how long it'll take and she said 1 hr! I told her that we weren't waiting an hour and that I'd be calling the police!
So, I called the police, an officer came over and we spoke with Comcast again and waited (over the hour's time, and they never did get back with us!)
Finally the guy brought back the keys around 5:30 p.m. (he had forgotten they were in his pocket) but I was livid! How did we know that they weren't bad and not going through all the apartments with those keys?
So, there you have it... I vented.
This also should answer the question from the questionnaire Rachael sent me in reference to the last time I dealt with the po-po's.
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"Smoke-free - or else"
The local newspaper had the front page on this smoking ban idea in our county, and it is making me so mad...
Basically, starting tomorrow, June 1st, 2007, no one will be able to smoke 25 feet away from any building in this county. Why does that make me mad? Because it's taking people's right away and what will it help?
If they are going to pass a law, this extreme, why not pass a law such as no person under the age of 18 can even sit in the smoking section of a restaurant! How many times have you seen babies, or kids there right next to the bar while 20 people are smoking? Or a law where someone will get a ticket if they are smoking in the car with someone under the age of 18? They have click it or ticket already in place...!
Why not have a law that's going to help the children vs. some law that will help people not have to walk next to someone smoking when entering a building, OUTSIDE!
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Rachael, here's what you asked for...
Rachael wanted me to complete this random quiz thingy, so here goes...
What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch (but at Arby's they have the best fiesta or baja ranch for salad and it is awesome!) What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Arby's although they don't have one but 30 minutes away, but their Baja salad w/o chicken and with sun chips and the baja ranch dressing and the baked potato (they actually role the potatoes making them super fluffy and yummy!!) What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Santaniello's has the best foccacia bread ever, with a melt in your mouth hot bread with a garlic buttery top with the marinara sauce. But I hate going there to eat because they have terrible customer service and it's super freaking' slow!! So, I'd have to choose El Rodeo (like Rachael) they have great service, are super fast, inexpensive, they also have a great red sauce for the bean burritos, and I just feel really comfortable there. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 20% - ever since college when I heard from someone "college kids never tip!" I've always tipped, and sometimes really well when I get great service! What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? A bowl of cereal and milk. What is your favorite type of gum? Extras Spearmint (thanks to Natalie) such a cute little neon green stick of freshening flavor!
What is your wallpaper on your computer? A picture of Kristen, Jack, and Ben all making funny faces. Kristen with her finger holding her nose up, Jack sticking his tongue out and Ben squishing his squishy cheeks. How many televisions are in your house? 4, one in my room, one in the living room, one in Natalie's room, and another small one that we keep in a cabinet just in case I want to take it into the kitchen or bathroom to watch TV every now and then. How do you listen to music? Radio in my car.
What’s your best feature? My smile, everyone loves my smile. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Cuticles. Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? I used to see really far, but now I've lost the far-ness of my sight, so I'll guess touch, no I'll take Hearing for 500. This goes along with Rachael's selective hearing, unfortunately, I hear almost everything she doesn't! When was the last time you had a cavity? I had 3 taken care of last month and the other 4 to be done June 12. I've had 4 other cavities in my life after age 23 (not before). What is the heaviest item you lifted last? My laundry. I go over to Jason's house and do laundry there, then bring it all home, two baskets on top of each other. The second runner up would be the bag of nasty smelling kitty litter. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No.
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No, and I don't want to know how either! Is love for real? Yes, although I feel love takes on many different forms. If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? Wouldn't. I like my name, although I hate my full name with just my first middle name and not both and I also hate telling someone my nick-name "Francie" on the phone, as I go by that name, because they always misunderstand me... Nancy? Fancy? Tracy? NO! Francie, like the country with an "e" sound at the end. Yup, kind of annoying. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? No. Have you ever saved someone’s life? Not that I know of. Has someone ever saved yours? I don't think so.
Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? Would it be in the middle of the night? Would there be anyone there? Maybe. I do have a ton of student loans to pay off. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? On the cheek? Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? NO. Would you never blog again for $50,000? Yes. Would you pose nude in a magazine for $250,000? NO, I don't think I'd have anyone to call family or friends, so no. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000? Only if I could dilute it in something. Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? I don't think so. Wait, do season DVDs count as TV?
What is in your left pocket? I'm in a pocket-less yellow skirt right now. Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? No, but some of the stupid saying are pretty funny to reuse (kind of like the 80's movies like "Where's the spare tire" from Adventures in Babysitting or "Take a picture, it'll last longer" from "PeeWee's Great Adventure". Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house? Carpet. Do you sit or stand in the shower? Stand. Could you live with roommates? Yes, I live with my little sister right now, but not for too much longer, then I'll be "so lonely, I'm so lonely, I have nobody, to call my own..." just like Akon says.... How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? 10 to 15 maybe. Last time you had a run-in with the cops? This could take a while, I'll get back to you on this one... What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy. Last friend you talked to? Natalie. Last person you called? Natalie.
First place you went this morning? Potty (my sister, Lori, loves to make fun of me because whenever I go to the bathroom, I call it 'potty'). What can you not wait to do? Get out of debt. I would've said get married or have kids, but that's not something I want to rush into. I want to make the right decision at the right time for me (and whoever the other person may be...) What’s the last movie you saw? Blood Diamond and it's extremely powerful, please go watch it.
Pretty interesting... but not too hard.
Posted by
May 30, 2007
Annoying sisters...
Apparently, my sisters want me to post more in my blog...
I've been busy though.
I've had to make two cakes this last weekend. The strawberries and cream cake I made for Jason was a hit for Lori's birthday and I made the same cake but with fresh raspberries and blackberries for a barbecue get together with friends and everyone kept talking about it, even after the container was licked clean.
I also was in a karaoke contest with my friend Missy. Of course, we made it... who wouldn't win against an off tune/off beat/glued to the screen singer singing "Toxic" from Brittany Spears?? I mean, I started "Born to Fly" on the wrong note for the first line, made up a phrase in the middle of the song, because I couldn't remember (and didn't want to be glued to the screen), and still made it!!
But let me tell you... I give "props" to anyone who gets up and sings. I still get nervous as heck and I've been doing it for almost 4 years now! But I have fun and make eye contact and sing whatever I want...
For my practice song, I sang "Alone" by Heart and I heard a few girls at the closest table asking each other, "Is SHE in the contest??" Actually, now that I think about it, they might have even been the judges!!
Okay, so, I just tooted my own horn, there for a while. Dolly Parton would be proud of me!
Hopefully this will satisfy my readers for a couple of seconds...
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May 22, 2007
Blake? Jordin?
Who's going to win? Blake or Jordin? Who are you rooting for?
Me? I like Blake, but I know he'll do a whole lot better not winning and being able to choose which songs he wants to sing, and not that lame song they both had to sing tonight!
Jordin has an amazing pure voice and being so young, will do better as the American Idol for this season.
What do you all think?
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Putt Putt take two
Jason thought it'd be a good idea and play Putt Putt again today... He did a lot better, although it took him forever to figure out the physics of where to hit the golf ball!
But I have to give him "props". We tied!
Congratulations, babe, you've made it to my level!
Ha-ha! Just kidding!
Don't worry, I'll post pictures later.
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So, I guess I'm tagged!
Rachael had this brilliant idea to 'TAG' me... so I'm going to have to figure out eight random things about myself that not too many people know...
I'll start thinking about these things...
1. I have my clothes in my closet color coordinated: white, yellow, orange/peachy, pinks/reds/maroons, purple, blue, green, grays, browns, and then blacks.
2. When I get excited, I rub my hands together and make a squealing noise!
3. I haven't made my bed more than 3 times in the last 6 months!
4. I have to be honest here... I'm a closet perfectionist. I could have dishes in the sink and on the counters, but have all the cabinets organized. Or have all my underwear garments folded in the dresser, but have the sock drawer completely disastrous! (in fact, I don't really have a sock drawer, they're just all mixed in with other stuff).
But when I have to clean, I clean good. I don't just use cleaning products, but I have to organize all the drawers, storage bins, cabinets, closets, etc.
5. I alphabetize all my DVDs (about 200 or so of them too!).
6. I am an aggressive, yet extremely safe driver. Someone was going 30 mph in a 50 mph hour last night and made me so angry! Although when I was actually able to pass them, I never went over the speed limit! I also hate those who leave their blinkers on, or slow down every time there's a place to turn...
In reply to my two comments at this time... I told y'all that I'd be thinking about them! So, I guess I have the last two now...
7. I'm have an addictive, yet ADD personality... (don't worry, I'll explain...) Basically, I got into scrap booking, then got distracted... I got into reading books back to back, then got distracted... I got into decorating with Americana colors, then went to reds and neutrals (cream and brown)... I got into not drinking soda, then changed my mind... I used to play Solitaire every night before bed, but now I just watch Law and Order reruns... etc. (I'll update this post when I think of more). (Oh, yeah, I also watch Matlock almost every lunch break I come home for lunch! I haven't gotten ADD on Andy Griffith!)
8. Jason helped me with this one... I like ketchup with my grilled cheese. I didn't think this was ever weird until I met Jason, who now calls me a "hillbilly" because of this... then I started asking around. My friends, colleagues, and even some random people, and believe it or not, most people don't eat ketchup with their grilled cheese sandwiches!! Crazy!
So, there's the big eight for ya!
I'm sure if I think of more, I'll add more later, so keep checking it, okay?
I've been thinking more about this and thought of another one...
9. I hate food that gets stuck in my teeth (but sometimes eat it anyway). Corn on the cob, popcorn, coconut, nuts, celery, etc.
10. Like Rachael, in reference to if I were in a coma..., when my eye lids open up, they cover my makeup, so, if I were in a coma, make sure that I have nice looking eye shadow on my lids...
Lori thought of another one for me...
11. I can't order anything straight of the menu. This happens once a year or so...
It's usually something like, "I'd like the La Majer with the bean burrito, no meat, no cheese on top with extra red sauce and guacamole on the side." Or, "I'd like the pasta with marinara, but I don't want spaghetti noodles, I want penne" (because I don't like how the spaghetti slips and splashes on my face and clothes) "and I also want half with marinara and the other half with Alfredo sauce..."
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May 21, 2007
Driver at 3? A walk in the park...
Ben and his tractor/truck Gator thing...
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May 20, 2007
Pictures = Memories

Like the picture of me and my friend, Jessica Davis, in high school, singing "Man, I feel like a blue whale" into 'whale' microphones! (part of our advanced biology project as seniors!)
Or Natalie and I at Grandma and Grandpa B's house in N. Dakota. Which reminds me of when I (or one of us kids) lost a flip flop in one of the huge haystacks and a clear memory of when Natalie shot me in the butt with a BB gun, because I didn't want to play with her!
Today, I assisted Rachael with Katya and Kristen while they got their professional pictures and they turned out super cute! Something didn't quite sink in until Rachael mentioned that this is probably the first time Katya has gotten professional pictures!
Who thought of pictures? I'm not sure, but I do know that there can't be too many!
Seeing those two sisters, cheek to cheek, and arms around each other, smiling just big enough to see every single tooth in their mouth, makes me smile! I'm so happy for them both! From experience, I know that my sisters are my friends, my support, my advice givers, my critics, my everything!
I love you all (even to those who think this post has become a bit cheesier than expected...) (but I did warn everyone that this blog would be pretty random, didn't I?)
Thanks mom for having us!
And thanks, Rachael, Shannon, Lori, and Natalie! (Can't wait for your comments on this one!)
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Most of you out there have gotten a manicure/pedicure, right? I was planning on going today, and told my friend, Missy, who decided to join me... then on the way, she called her sister-in-law, Mona, to join us too. I signed us all in at 4:10 p.m. and we picked out our colors and waited... after a bit, we were seated in manicure chairs waiting for the pedi chairs. Mona got hers first, then Missy, then me. Mona got started, then Missy, and I waited. Mona then moved on to her mani, Missy's toes were almost done, and I still waited... at around 6 p.m. I got my feet in the water.
Missy and Mona left to play golf and I finally got my toes done around 7 p.m. almost to tears because I had to wait so long!
Needless to say, I did not get my mani and I left so sad.
I was so angry, too! But it wasn't the fault of the pedicurist! But I'm going to be calling the manager tomorrow.
I'm not the kind of person to create drama or a scene, and I'm not sure if that's cowardess or not, but I know I don't like being in a place when someone else does it...
What do you guys think? Should I have? Am I too nice?
What would you do?
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May 17, 2007
Yesterday was my first experience in laser hair removal... My armpits. I wasn't sure if I had to shave before or not, but thank goodness I got a hold of Rachael so she could tell me that I did need to...
It only took about 3 minutes, but it kinda hurt! I guess that if I hadn't shaved, then it would've burned my hair, whereas, with a clean shaven armpit, it burned down to the root. It felt like something was reaching inside and grabbing each individual hair out... I'm a baby, I guess.
What I didn't know what that it's permanent! My colleague asked me how long it lasted and I told her that I didn't know, but probably for about 3 or 4 months or so...
Wow, this is cool! Just a few more treatments and I'll never have to shave my armpits again! Why wouldn't I do this everywhere???
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May 13, 2007
What's your cake?
Growing up, I always remember Ryan's birthday with the Cherry Crunch Cake, a jar of cherries covered with a yellow cake mix, butter, and pecans sprinkled on top. I love that cake! (minus the nuts)! Natalie's birthday's almost always came with an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen! I still love that fudgy-chocolate layer in the middle! And for me? For about five or so years in a row, Bob always made me a Blackberry Cobbler (fresh-picked at the Redwood Camp meeting) along with home-made ice cream and Mom would add a pineapple upside-down cake! I'll take one of each, please!
Well, I have gone beyond figuring out what Jason's cake is... On his dad's birthday in February, Jason told me to make German Chocolate Cake because it was Ron's favorite... then in March, he wanted me to bring a German Chocolate Cake to his mom's birthday gathering because it too was her favorite... mmm...
Last Sunday, May 6, 2007 was Jason's 27th birthday and because the last two b-day's in his family included GCC, I decided to change it up a little bit (I don't even like it because it has a coconut and nut frosting on top) and so I made him a Rachael Ray "Strawberries and Cream Cake" with three layers of cake, whipped cream with marscopone cheese and fresh cut strawberries and fresh strawberry glaze.

Today, we went to his mom's house for Mother's Day dinner and there it was... a German Chocolate Cake! Well, I think it's official. I guess I'm going to have to get used to the coconut and nuts getting stuck in my teeth for a while...
Update: While Jason and I were at his mom's today, we were going through old pictures of Jason as a little boy, and what did we find? Yep, a picture of him when he was about 5 or 6 years old with his dad and brother, in front of... yes, a German Chocolate Cake!

PROOF! I just added this picture to show proof of this whole German Chocolate Cake Craze! Jason, is the cute little boy on the right, his dad is the tall one, and the cake, well, it's in the middle...
So, my dear readers (few and far between, I know) What is your cake?
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Jason and I had the opportunity to play a game, or two, of Putt-Putt the other day. I haven't played for about two years, but thought it would be a nice random change to our everyday activities...
Everything started out just fine until I made a few hole-in-ones and he made a few 7 to 10 over pars...
We are both pretty competitive, especially Jason, so I knew we had to make a wager. The loser had to take the winner on a dinner & movie date.
As Jason's says... "I was a man without finesse" and putt-putt is not a talent of his, in any way, shape, or form...
I just wanted to laugh at how mad he kept getting that I was just kicking his butt over and over again!!
Apparently, he'll never play putt-putt again... shocking!
We took a short break after the first game of mini-golf and went inside to play a few games. He chose to race against me in a car-racing game... so, we were off!
I had a purple hummer and he had a yellow one. I used my gear shifting abilities and was tailing him until about 30 seconds to the end, then I hit his car and got in front of him... we raced till the bitter end, talking smack the whole time too! And as usual, I won!! Ha-ha! I just wanted to rub in it his face, but as the loving girlfriend, I chose to take the attention away and playing another game. Jason said, while I've been writing this post, to make sure I tell you all that I only won by .2 seconds and he lost because he wasn't able to change his racing vehicle! (Please note: we both had the same car, just different colors!) Overall, I'm the best driver!
We then were able to play that ball game (like at Show-Biz Pizza, Major Magic's, or Chucky Cheeses, take your pick!) where you roll the balls up this ramp and then it falls into a hole/slot. I love that game!
After we cashed in our 202 tickets for sugar candy, Jason was ready to take Putt-Putt and the hole-in-one queen on, just one more time!
He played as carefully as he could and actually did pretty good, but I still won! By two points, this time, but I still one! I love it!
So, any ideas on where should I make him take me to eat?
Correction: as I was reading this to Jason, he corrected the time on the car race, my bad, I actually only won the race by .02 seconds not .2 as I had previously mentioned! I'm so sorry! But as I told my DMV instructor the second time I drove in order to get my driver's liscense in California, when he told me that while I still made mistakes, I still passed! In this case, I still won!
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So, what's next?
Life continues to race by, although putting all this in perspective... Natalie gets married in less than one month. I have to practice and sing a song for her wedding. I have to also plan a bachlorette party. I have to also help my best friend, Betsy, coordinate her wedding, which is the first day of summer, June 21, just over a month away! Not ruling out the busiest season at work!
Last week, I had a chemical peel on my face from LeeAnn at Rachael's office, and she asked me how everything was going with Katya... I told her that while there's always something going on for Rachael... she is the best person for the job. Rachael has the most perfect combination of personality, character, and multitasking abilities that I've ever seen in another person and if delivering babies and conducting surgeries, just to come home to cook dinner, take Kristen to piano/guitar lessons, get the kids to bed, watch Grey's and American Idol, (and a ton more other tasks to do) and then start all over the next day, and adding a few more unexpected moments here and there... then she's ready for even more!
Will some of those talents rub off on me? I sure hope so!
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Natalie's Bridal Shower
Have any of you been to a shower that was boring, super slow, cheesy, and just gave you that feeling that doing laundry is extremely important!
It all started with the... okay, well, it actually started quite a long time before last Sunday at 5 p.m., so, okay, the BRIDAL SHOWER event started with an array of colorful, yummy bite-sized goodies to eat on the pink and green decorated tables with flowers, cake, cookie-wedding-cakes, presents, and close friends and family all there to celebrate this huge life-changing step for Natalie!
The room was absolutely beautiful! We ate as much food as we could (although most of us had just been to El Rodeo about an hour before...)! Then we transitioned into a questionnaire trivia game with questions like, "How much was the most expensive wedding?" which was somewhere around $40 million or so. Prizes were passed out and we then led to the activity...
With coordinated paper and embellishments, we had each guest complete an 8 by 8 scrapbook page for Natalie. With a Polaroid camera, and copies of pictures of Natalie and Adam, each person was able to design and create a perfect page for Natalie to be able to look at and remember a specific moment and person. Many brought their own pictures, but with the combination of taking a fresh new picture with the guest and Nat and pictures from the past really created a special book with each person's hand-written wishes... and I'm so happy that Natalie will have this memory forever!
Presents were opened and guests left and it was over...
A perfect event!
Can we rewind and do it again?!

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Mother's Day
Lately, there's been a commercial for Dairy Queen where this lady is on her way to deliver her baby and she says something like, "I'm not a mother yet, but I will be soon, so I grabbed an icecream cake..." or something...
But, she is a mother! Just like my sister, Lori. She's a mother! She will be having her baby in December; therefore, she is a mother!
I know it's sort of random to mention this, but I've seen that commercial so many times lately and I just couldn't figure out why it bothered me so much!
With all the politics now... I guess it seems much more clear to me...
I feel so blessed in my life to know so many mother's and great examples (and proof of their success in their children) mother's like mine, like Rachael, Bonnie, Shannon, Brenda, and even Lori! Lori was able to utilize motherly skills as 'mother-hen' in a condo with two females needing direction (and possibly discipline too...)!
I'm so happy for Lori! While I have no advice for her, because I don't have experience in that field, I still hope she knows she is loved, prayed for, and has my support... (don't ask me to babysit, yet, though!) Ha-Ha!!
So, for all those Mom's out there, Happy Mother's Day and see your reflection in your children!
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