October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

Jason and I went Trick or Treating with the kids last year and were planning on it this year too, but Jason was supposed to get off work at 7 p.m. which means the fun would be almost over! So, he was able to get off work early and me too, so we headed over to join the fun/party at Rachael's house!
Remember when Mom told us that when we get someone a gift, we should get them something we want just in case they don't like it? Well, I got Jason a camera for his b-day and while he loves it, I love the fact that I get to use it too!
I had a lot of fun tonight and was glad to capture the kids and all their glory! I even got their dogs costumes! (Much to Derrick's dismay... sorry!)
But they were all so cute! I made sure I got a picture with all the kids...
I think we pictured Kristen out as a child, but not too recently, she loves it and I'm able to get more with her now! (I love it too, of course!)
Katie is also learning to like the camera, what a cute little kitty she was tonight! I even reminded her how to role her R's in Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Ben's learning how to keep looking at the camera until the picture is taken, but hasn't quite grasped the concept, yet.
And Jack had the perfect costume which came with the perfect scary picture!
I tried to con all the kids into letting me hold their candy bags for them (a trick learned from Mom) although they didn't fall for it. Ben said that Jason could hold his though!
I was successful in tricking them to give me candy, though... "Hey, any of you guys got some REALLY good candy that I can have???" And of course, they all wanted to give me the best kind. So, I told them that I loved Kit-Kat's and they were all trying to dig in their little bags to find one for me... ha-ha!
They get the treats, I get the tricks, and we all win!

Jason told me that I had to give him credit for this picture, so there you go...
I got this costume for Carl so he and Ben would be 'workers' together! I think Ben really liked it!

Calvin, the Pirate dog! Poor thing!

No, they're not in costume... but Lori and Todd are cute! Huh?


Rachael said...

I started writing a Halloween post myself, but I got to tired. Maybe, I will finish it tomorrow. Or, maybe I should just be lazy and post a link to your post!

Good pix!

Lori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori said...

The kids are so cute, Kristen has come along way from hating having her picture taken to posing like she's Americas next top model.
You know what else she is a lot better at? Sharing her food, remember when she was little and she would throw a fit if you took a sip of her drink or a bite of her food. I'm glad she got over that one.

Lori said...

The deleted comment was mine, for some reason it posted the same thing twice. But I did forget to add that I don't like the pix of me and Todd, I look HUGE. I have a better picture taken by you on my camera thats in my photobucket, you should switch it.

Cecelia said...

Oh, Francie, the pictures are so cute. What did you dress-up as?

Francie said...

Wait a minute... Lori, do you have my password? Is that how you deleted it? Fess up!

Mom, I dressed up as a Gypsy this year, but was too caught up in the fun to take a picture... Oh, well.