Yesterday, I was at Lori's house and was able to borrow Tony for some pictures outside!
Isn't he just adorable! Brewster was running around the yard, which distracted Tony, so I had to try and get his attention... "Tony!" "Anthony!" "Over here!" "BDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!" and at one point, I was laying on my belly in the grass and clapping my feet behind me to try and get his attention too! At least it was worth acting like a crazy lady! He's so cute!
Now, I've got to work on teaching him how to say Fray-Fray!
I agree he is a cutie, you always manage to get good pics. I can't wait til he is older and can go do all the fun auntie stuff with you the other kids get to do.
A lot has happened in life since I last typed on this blog in November. We
had the holidays. We had one day of snow. There have been school projects
and fr...
*In October on Manezh Square, outside of the Kremlin*
It's the final countdown until the Olympics... Here's a link to an article
that was in the "Russia ...
Hello Again,
Sorry to just disappear on all of you like that!
For awhile, as my life became busier and busier, and my posts became fewer
and farther between, I was conf...
Potty Training
Day 1: no accidents until about 3:30. Then it was all downhill after that.
We went through about 6 pairs of undies. Day 2: only went through half as
many p...
A year ago… (yesterday)
June 28, 2011 was the first day I met Anya. I remember the day vividly.
Adoption was far from my mind, I was JUST hosting. Our intentions were
only to g...
Are you a boy? Or a girl?
My dearest baby,
Last night, your Auntie Rachael offered to give us an ultra-sound so we
could see if you are a boy or a girl. I called your dad, since he w...
So, I started my first day of RN school today. LPN school was hard enough
so, we'll see. I am greatful to even be in the program; there were 80
students se...
We Moved!!!
Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site!
If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either or
Because of Love
Bob and I are hosting a 15 year old boy from an orphanage in the Ukraine.
His name is Volodymyr, but prefers to be called Vova. He is very kind
hearted and...
The World's Smallest 26.2
I'm the new kid in town.
I don't know the ropes of where I live and wanting to dive into the
endurance community I decided to sign up for a marathon.
I lo...
All six of us kids were the characters from "Peewee Herman's Big Adventure": Ryan, of course, was PeeWee, Natalie was Large Marge (you remember the eyes?), I played the convict in the convertible (with a hanger around my wrists) and the lady from the Alamo "There's no basement in the Alamo! Ha-ha-ha...") Can't remember what Rachael, Lori, and Shannon were but it was pretty exciting! "Take a picture, it'll last longer!"
A bucket full of mint M & M's (yum!) during spring break in Arizona thanks to Derrick!
Cutting my hair, hiding it in the woods, as if mom wouldn't know... Punishment? I was Cinderella for about six months until my hair grew back!
Natalie and me tying sheets together and me lowering Nat the Brat out our second story bedroom window... then dropping her about 4 ft. above the ground (sorry! I thought you were on the ground already!)
Chicago vs. Madonna (the trip to Oklahoma City from Pennsylvania with all six kids and mom in a Lincoln Towncar...)
Listening to Wilson Philips in the apartment above the nursing home when we cleaned the house... (thanks to Lori) "Hold on for one more day!"
"I can't wait to have patience, because patience is a wonderful thing... hurry up, gotta have it, I want it now, I want it more than anything. This has taken long enough, give me some of that patience stuff. I can't wait to have patience... hurry up, hurry up, hur-ry up!"
"Camping, we're going camping, I love the trees, I love the grass!"
Things I like...
Jason, of course; he makes me smile, he makes me comfortable, and most importantly, he makes me happy. I love him so much and I'm so happy and blessed that he's in my life... I couldn't ask for more of him...
Cousin Nick (but only because he told me to put him on this list vs. the "annoying things..." list... haha!)
Reading a book... knowing it's a good book (from another person who's read it), and not reading the cover makes the entire book even better!
Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Coke, don't even think about giving me Pepsi!
El Rodeo
80's music (thanks to my older sisters and brother...)!
Sweetheats Conversation Hearts
American Idol!!!
When people smile with their teeth showing (even if they are crooked)!
My friends
My soft and comfy bed
Live plants
The color red...
Bath and Body Works Products like lotions, massage oils, etc.
Grandma's and Grandpa's
Annoying things...
When people ride their bikes on the wrong side of the road, especially at night!!! I seriously get very angry!
People who can't decide... "Where do you want to eat tonight?" "Oh, I don't know..." Have an opinion! or those that can't decide how to drive... "Mmmm, should I pass this person? or just drive in the left lane going the same speed?" Drives me nuts! (No pun intended...!)
People who act as though they don't need anyone...
Random zits... (and I thought they'd go away the day I graduated from high school!)
When a happy/positive song is sung in a sad/depressing manner in church
Overplayed songs on the radio
Parents that allow their children to run in the streets and parking lots without supervision... (or even with it!)
The color purple...
Financially stingy people
Those without patience... (yes, I actually don't have patience all the time either)
A business professional who bites their fingernails, then expects me to shake their hands...
High maintenance people
People who think they're better than someone else (especially when they aren't)
I'm an auntie, sister, daughter, friend, and girlfriend... as my random thoughts, events, and experiences occur, I write them down... hope you enjoy my life as I live it...
I agree he is a cutie, you always manage to get good pics.
I can't wait til he is older and can go do all the fun auntie stuff with you the other kids get to do.
This are great pictures.
Cute pics. I love the one with his arms raised up.
Love the pics. Like I have said before, you are a "great" auntie.
He is so stinkin cute Francie! And I can totally picture you lying in the grass trying to make him smile! :) You are such a great aunt!
What good pictures! He is really photogenic. and silly too.
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