I brought Jojo home today and she's just so sad looking!
When I picked her up, the receptionist told me that she's been crying and hissing and growling ever since I dropped her off this morning at 7:30. Once I picked her up in her carrier and said, "Jojo" she started meowing sweet to me.
She's so sore and sad and tired that she's just sitting somewhere and staying in one place, not wanting to move.
Here she is sitting about an inch away from the back of the couch. She was just looking at the fabric until I called her name so she'd look at me. Here's another view of her just sitting down. Doesn't this just make you so sad???
She's so cute, but now that her belly is shaved, she looks even skinnier than before. Here she is with her new nail job.
A lot has happened in life since I last typed on this blog in November. We
had the holidays. We had one day of snow. There have been school projects
and fr...
11 years ago
Poor JoJo. Hope she'll feel better tomorrow.
Liesel will have to be spayed within the next few months too. It's a first for me as my first dachshund was a male but we had him altered when he was under a year. It was in Dec. so we said that it was his Christmas gift. Poor Fritz. Streusel came to me when she was six, had had a liter and been spayed. After losing my Streusel from complications from being put under anesthesia, I will so paranoid about Liesel's surgery.
Jojo looks so much like a skinny version of Spot! (and Spot is a skinny cat!)
Hope she's feeling better soon. It took Spot a good week to recover.
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