March 27, 2007

Maddie Paige

My 6-year old niece, Madeline, is super cute... I haven't seen her in a really long time, and she looks more and more like my sister, Shannon, (her mother). From her nose, teeth, and body structure to her personality and the things she says and the way she says them...
For dinner tonight, we had tomatoes, and of course, like Shannon, Maddie didn't like them and didn't want to eat them... it's so funny to see this as an adult!
She's super cute too, she has that photogenic attitude that Kristen, Jack, and Ben are not as excited about anymore and she also is obedient, too! When I tell her to hold her hands, sit down, jump on the trampoline, or look at the camera, she knows exactly what to do and does it right away! It's great! Here's a few photos I took of her yesterday afternoon...


Lori said...

I too havent see Maddy in such a long time, but she is just too cute. The other day I was shopping with Mom, Nat, Ben and Madeline. Maddy was playing grown up at The Mens Warehouse store. I saw her folding (already folded shirts) talking to a (invisible) customer telling them that if they couldn't find what they were looking for just go down the road to Holly Lolly (Hobby Lobby) and they should find it there. She is such a little grown up! And dont call her Mads cause she doesnt like it.

Shannon said...

I am missing my Girl!!!!!
This week feels like it is never going to end yet at the same time I am totally panicked about how much stuff I still have to get done. Glad to hear you guys are enjoying having Maddy there to visit. She will always remember these moments. Oh, and tell Lori, that Madeline is a total shopper. She pretends that her closet is the store and she is shopping for clothes. Makes a pretty big mess, but when i get to watch her before she sees me it is all worth it.
Tell her I miss her and Love her!
PS: Email Nick my email addrss or send me his. whichever.

~ V ~ said...

Wow! It has been too long since I've even seen a picture of Madeline. She's such a young lady!

Hey Shannon, I don't think I have any contact info for you. Have your mom send me your email or get mine from her.

Shannon said...

Hey Francie. I keep seeing posts from Rachael's blog as well as from yours from ~V~.... is that our "sister-in-law" in CA?