March 29, 2007

The cabin was awesome!

This last weekend, we drove about five or so hours north east to this cabin that Nickie's family owns. There were a ton of deer on the road and side of the road and the guys kept wanting to stop and run after them, but Jason only got to the door knob of the door before the deer ran off... pretty funny though. Not having to worry about what's on TV or what needs to be done around the house... we played games like "Sequence" (a fun game that can be pretty competitive, and Jason and Danny think they're the best... yet they didn't play against Nickie and I...). We also played this game, can't remember the name, where there's a timer and a word holder and the holder is passed around the circle and the person with the word has to get his/her team to guess it, then it's passed to the next person. Basically whoever ends up with the word holder thing when the buzzer alarms, loses that round... yea, it was pretty addicting!
We also went on a walk/stroll to the river, through the woods... and it was such a nice sunny, breezy day, it reminded me of when I was a kid and played in the woods with my brother and sisters (remember being in teams and leaving clue for the second team to find the first one?)

Of course the river was too cold to even think about touching, but it was a very calming sound, combined with the perfect look-a-like trees and the perfect amount of sun and cloud.

Our fearless hostess, Nickie, modeling in the rugged woods (God's backyard).

I tried to cut fire wood...

but was given one of those super wet pine pieces that wasn't going to be cut anytime soon, so I had to grab a piece that was already split in fourths and exremely dry! The end result of my (and a whole bunch of others) efforts was a super warm/hot perfect fire with coals so bright and orange that I couldn't take my eyes off it!
Hey, is it just me? or when you guys look at a pinecone, do you think of mom and her addiction to these things? Remember the elephant size ones?

Well, the weekend ended, all too soon, but I havn't had a vacation like this in a very long time! I'm so thankful for my friends and the wonderful weekend of relaxation that should be repeated more often! Thanks Jason, Nickie, Danny, Ross, and Rob for such an enjoyable time with you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the name of that game is "catch phrase". It is a really fun game to play and can get you goin'. Sounds like you guys had a great time, even though I was sad I was here alone... Oh well, you get to be here monday without me. Plus, by then, Chuck will be GONE!!!