June 2, 2008

Softball wounds

Yesterday I was practicing some softball moves with Jay, Betsy, and 3 little local kids. It was great practice and Jason is a great coach!

(Here's a picture of me and Ashlee at our first game this season.)
I went to catch a fly ball and because I'm scared of the ball, I just reached out my hand and of course it came down on my wrist!
It hurt so bad!

Here you can see the bump. I think maybe a blood vessel popped. But I'm not sure because I'm not in the medical field. I tried calling Rachael over and over, but she never answered her phone! I finally got in touch with Lori via Todd's phone and she told me to put some ice on it. I just didn't want to have to go to the ER or a doctor! I didn't even know if it would turn into a blood clot, go to my heart, and then I'd die and no one would know for at least a day! Believe me, I prayed REALLY hard before going to bed last night!!!Here's a shot of my wrist. See that blue section? That hurts!Here are my wrists today... Obviously, I had to have a co-worker take the picture. It's a huge bruise now!Gross, huh? Hopefully it'll heal quickly!


Natalie said...

That's funny that you thought you were going to die! Glad you didnt though. Hope you have fun with your softball games!

Rachael said...

Hey, way to make me feel guilty for forgetting to call you back!!

Hope you're okay! And, I can't imagine how it could be a lifethreatening injury, although it sure does look like it hurts!

Cecelia said...

Remember when you were in fourth grade and during recess you were doing a cart-wheel and fell on your wrist? When I came home from work you came to me and told me you thought you broke your arm. I checked it and told you that if you had, you would be crying when I move your wrist back and forth and pushed around on it. You continued to be certain that your arm was broken for several days until finally, on Friday I took you to the doctor to have it x-rayed. It was broken and the location made it a serious break, so we were sent to an orthopedic doctor. Are you sure your arm isn't broken?

Tina in CT said...

How could you stand the pain of the broken arm for several days as a child? I shattered some bone in my elbow when I fell down my deck stairs from black ice. The pain was worse than labor (but then I had a caudal before hard labor started so I guess I'm not a good judge of that).

Your wrist bruise looks mighty sore. Should you get it checked out?

We are lucky to have a PA on staff where I work and it saves many a trip to a doctor as she is fantastic and can prescribe medication when needed.

Hope your wrist feel better soon!

Tina in CT said...

How could you stand the pain of the broken arm for several days as a child? I shattered some bone in my elbow when I fell down my deck stairs from black ice. The pain was worse than labor (but then I had a caudal before hard labor started so I guess I'm not a good judge of that).

Your wrist bruise looks mighty sore. Should you get it checked out?

We are lucky to have a PA on staff where I work and it saves many a trip to a doctor as she is fantastic and can prescribe medication when needed.

Hope your wrist feel better soon!

Lori said...

Looks like my over the phone diagnosis was correct. You've got yourself one nasty bruise.
Good thing you didn't try to do anything in the medical profession, it is definitely not your thing.

Shannon said...

That is hilarious! Not that you got hurt (that sucks!), but the fact that you worried so much about it. I'm kind of a hypochondriac myself ya know. I always think something is wrong with me and I can empathize about going to bed scared. I can't tell you how many times I have thought that I was going to have a stroke in my sleep because the back of my leg hurt. Oh, and the times I thought I should just stay up with a headache because I thought if I went to sleep I would have an aneurysm... I wish I knew nothing at all sometimes. Truth is just knowing what has happened to someone else is what makes me think it could happen to me.
Hope your arm feels better soon.
PS just in case... Can I have all your kitchen stuff?