Today was the final weigh-in for the Slimdown Challenge at work. It's been going on since May and I've been working hard! This last week I've been working out at the Y mornings and after work and have been really strict about not eating dinners, or just not eat a lot of dinner.
I wanted to win the money, which wasn't even $200 but still, I wanted to win the money because I was going to donate it to Rachael's "Simple Wishes" charity for the kids that live in orphanages in Russia. Unfortunately, I didn't win. The money that is.
But I did win, in the end, because I lost weight! I weighed in as the third place winner with 15.25%!!! The two men that beat me were at 19%!
It was a pretty good competition too! A lot of "talk" throughout the entire summer. And it was fun too because we all kinda kept each other in check throughout all the events our department had!
Either way, I had a lot of fun losing weight and this Slimdown Challenge was fun and went along with my weight watchers plan too!
Anyone else losing weight out there? Tell me what you're doing!
A lot has happened in life since I last typed on this blog in November. We
had the holidays. We had one day of snow. There have been school projects
and fr...
11 years ago
From your title, I just knew it had to be about a weight challenge. Of course, you WON as you lost and you did VERY well. Congrats.
Thank you for your sweet note which was in today's mail.
That is great, Francie!
You were looking a lot thinner I noticed when I saw you at the gym today.
I am not having much success, but still trying!
You are looking really good these days. I'm really proud of how well you stick to your diet even in situations where it isn't so easy to do.
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