April 29, 2009

Jack and Ben's B-days

We've been real busy around here with birthdays! Jack's birthday was last week and we had a really great dinner and cake at Rachael's house.

Then last Sunday we all went to ChuckECheeses... where a kid can be a kid! Which was pretty fun with all the kids we had there. Rachael asked me to go with her and I said yes, then I asked Jason if he wanted to go too, and he said yes! So, me and Jay had three boys in our car. BTW: boys are so easy!
Ben (I don't know why my camera likes to make everyone's eyes look red!)
Jack and his friends.
After much playing and eating of pizza, we finally gathered them all together for cake!
The kids had fun in front of the blue screen, and they could watch themselves on TV with whatever was in the background.

Ben had a little fun with my sun glasses on the way home. Oh, and at one point on the way home, I had my IPOD on that A-ha song "Take on me" and one of the boys in the back wanted me to play it again and turn it up... which then led to us listening to that song at least four times on the way home, complete with air guitar and the air piano! They had a blast! (Yeah, and they were 4, 5, and 8 years old, begging me to replay that song, over and over! LOL) I'm pretty sure Jason was on the brink of going crazy!
Last night we celebrated Ben's bday at the grandparents house. Thankfully no cake! LOL

He was pretty excited about his birthday... of course, we're celebrating tonight, again, because Jason felt he was jipped on his bday and Jason didn't get to go last night, so me and Jay are taking Ben out to eat and to pick out a present tonight. Ben was really excited when I told him last night and asked if we could go to a nice restaurant. I said, "Sure, we can!" And he said, "Like Pizza Hut?!?!?!" "Um... well... if you really want to we can!" Then I told him about Jason's favorite restaurant and Ben said we should go there! Thank goodness!


Elle J said...

What a sweet boyfriend you have to offer dinner/gift shopping for Ben since he missed out!!

Rachael said...

It's always fun to read about the same stuff from someone else's perspective!

Thanks for all your help in the b'day department!

Cecelia said...

Sounds like you and Jason have fun entertaining kids. I'm sure the kids had fun.